

Technical Inquiries

What if i can not start the engine?

If you cannot start the vehicle, please follow these step

  • If you have a mechanical (conventional) key, unlock the wheel by moving it left and right until you turn the contact on, and if you have a Bluetooth key, move the key case away from electronical device (smartphone, iPod, etc.) The Bluetooth key must be inside the vehicle, and all the doors need to be closed.
  • In case of an automatic transmission, close all doors, push the brake pedal, during ignition the gear shift knob must be in P or N, turn the key or push start (depending on the car equipment)
  • In case of robotized transmission; close all doors, press and hold the brake pedal, the gear shift knob must be in N turn the key or push start (depending on the car equipment)
  • In case of manual transmission: close all doors, push and hold the clutch pedal, put the gear shift knob in neutral position, turn the key or push start (depending on the car equipment)
  • However even if the vehicle engine does not turn on after performing the actions stated above, and the instrument panel does not show signs of ignition, the vehicle probably cannot start due to some malfunction. Check if any message appears on the dashboard or instrument panel. Also, try and remember if you left on the lights, radio or similar which could have drained the cars battery and make it impossible to turn on the vehicle. In such a case please try to start the vehicle by using jumper cables. For your own safety, and to avoid potential damage to the car, please do not try to start the vehicle by pushing it or going downhill, nor by putting it in to gear or by using the clutch.  This could cause a huge and very expensive malfunction to the vehicle. If you do not manage to turn the vehicle on, please contact out technical support.

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